Are Pet Calming Beds Worth It?

Do you ever find your pet feeling anxious or restless, especially during thunderstorms or fireworks? If so, you’re not alone. Many pet owners are turning to pet calming beds as a solution to alleviate their furry friend’s stress and provide them with a sense of comfort. But are these beds really worth it? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of pet calming beds, how they work, and whether investing in one could truly make a difference in your pet’s well-being.

What are pet calming beds?

Pet calming beds are specially designed beds that are made to provide comfort and relaxation to pets, helping them to feel calm and secure. These beds are typically made with soft and plush materials that mimic the feeling of a mother’s fur, providing a sense of comfort and coziness for the pet.

Definition and purpose

Pet calming beds are designed with the purpose of reducing anxiety and stress in pets, promoting relaxation, and improving their sleep quality. These beds create a safe and comfortable space for pets to retreat to, allowing them to feel secure and at ease.

Types of pet calming beds

There are various types of pet calming beds available in the market to suit different preferences and needs. Some common types include donut-shaped beds, cave beds, orthopedic beds, and blanket-style beds. Each type has its own unique features and benefits, and it’s important to choose one that best suits your pet’s size and preferences.

Benefits of pet calming beds

Reduced anxiety and stress

One of the main benefits of pet calming beds is the reduction of anxiety and stress in pets. The soft and cozy materials used in these beds provide a sense of security and comfort, helping to alleviate anxiety and promote a calm state of mind. This can be particularly beneficial for pets who experience separation anxiety, noise phobias, or general anxiety.

Improved sleep quality

Pet calming beds contribute to improved sleep quality for pets. The plush and supportive materials used in these beds help to alleviate pressure points, allowing pets to rest more comfortably. Additionally, the cozy and enclosed design of some beds creates a den-like environment, which can trigger a natural instinct for pets to feel safe and secure while sleeping.

Promotes relaxation

Pet calming beds are designed to promote relaxation in pets. The soft and plush materials offer a soothing touch, while the cozy and enclosed designs create a sense of security. This can be especially beneficial for pets who struggle with hyperactivity or who have difficulty relaxing.

Are Pet Calming Beds Worth It?

Factors to consider when choosing a pet calming bed

Size and shape for your pet

When choosing a pet calming bed, it’s important to consider the size and shape that best suits your pet. The bed should be spacious enough for your pet to comfortably stretch, turn around, and curl up. Additionally, consider your pet’s preferred sleeping position and choose a bed that accommodates it.

Material and construction

The material and construction of a pet calming bed are important factors to consider. Look for beds that are made with high-quality, durable materials that are safe for your pet. Pay attention to the filling and lining materials, as well as the overall construction of the bed to ensure longevity.

Ease of cleaning

Pets can be messy, so it’s important to choose a pet calming bed that is easy to clean. Look for beds with removable and machine-washable covers, as this will make regular cleaning and maintenance much easier. Additionally, consider the bed’s resistance to stains, odors, and allergens.

Additional features and accessories

Some pet calming beds come with additional features and accessories that can enhance the comfort and functionality of the bed. These can include built-in heating or cooling elements, adjustable height or incline, and removable cushions or bolsters. Consider your pet’s specific needs and preferences when choosing a bed with additional features.

Types of pet calming bed fillings

Memory foam

Memory foam is a popular filling material used in pet calming beds. It contours to the pet’s body, providing support and relieving pressure points. Memory foam beds are especially beneficial for pets with joint or muscle issues, as they can help alleviate pain and discomfort.

Orthopedic foam

Similar to memory foam, orthopedic foam is designed to provide support and relieve pressure. These beds are particularly beneficial for older pets or those with arthritis or other orthopedic conditions. Orthopedic foam beds can help improve joint health and overall comfort.

Polyester fiberfill

Polyester fiberfill is a common filling used in pet calming beds. It is lightweight, soft, and provides a plush sleeping surface for pets. These beds offer good insulation and can be a great option for pets who prefer a softer and more cushioned bed.

Cedar shavings

Cedar shavings are sometimes used as a natural filling material in pet calming beds. Cedar has natural insect-repellent properties and can help control odors. However, it’s important to ensure that your pet is not allergic to cedar before choosing a bed with this filling.

Gel-infused foam

Gel-infused foam beds offer a cooling effect, which can be beneficial for pets who tend to overheat or live in warmer climates. The gel-infused foam helps regulate the pet’s body temperature, providing a comfortable and cool sleeping surface.

Are Pet Calming Beds Worth It?

How effective are pet calming beds?

Scientific studies and evidence

While there have not been extensive scientific studies specifically focused on pet calming beds, there is evidence to support the effectiveness of providing a comfortable and secure sleeping space for pets. Creating a cozy and relaxing environment can help alleviate anxiety and stress in pets, leading to improved overall well-being.

Customer reviews and testimonials

Many pet owners have reported positive experiences with using pet calming beds. Numerous customer reviews and testimonials highlight the benefits of these beds in reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving sleep quality. However, it’s important to remember that individual results may vary, and what works for one pet may not work for another.

Alternatives to pet calming beds

Alternative calming products

If a pet calming bed is not feasible or suitable for your pet, there are alternative calming products available. These can include anxiety wraps or vests, calming pheromone sprays or diffusers, herbal supplements, or interactive toys designed to promote relaxation and mental stimulation.

Creating a calm environment

In addition to using calming products, creating a calm environment for your pet can also help reduce anxiety and stress. This can involve providing a designated quiet space, using soothing music or white noise, and ensuring a consistent and predictable routine for your pet.

How to introduce a pet calming bed to your pet

Gradual introduction

Introducing a pet calming bed to your pet should be done gradually. Place the bed in an area where your pet feels safe and comfortable, allowing them to explore and approach the bed at their own pace. Encourage positive associations by placing treats or favorite toys near the bed.

Positive reinforcement

When your pet shows interest in the bed or uses it for the first time, offer plenty of praise, treats, and positive reinforcement. This will help establish a positive association with the bed and encourage your pet to continue using it.

Considerations for specific pets


When choosing a pet calming bed for dogs, consider their size, breed, and sleeping habits. Some dogs may prefer a bed with raised edges or a cave-like design, while others may prefer a simple cushion-style bed to stretch out on. Additionally, dogs that are prone to joint issues or arthritis may benefit from orthopedic or memory foam beds.


Cats have specific preferences when it comes to sleeping arrangements. They often prefer beds that are elevated and provide a vantage point, allowing them to observe their surroundings. Look for beds with a cozy and enclosed design, such as cave beds or hammock-style beds, as these can mimic the feeling of being in a safe and elevated space.

Small animals

For smaller animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, or ferrets, choose beds that are appropriately sized and made with safe materials. It’s important to ensure that the bed does not have any small parts or loose fibers that could be a choking hazard. Small animals may prefer beds that are padded and provide a sense of security.

Where to buy pet calming beds

Physical pet stores

Pet calming beds can be found in many physical pet stores. These stores often have a variety of options to choose from and allow you to see and feel the bed before making a purchase. Additionally, store associates can provide guidance and advice on selecting the right bed for your pet.

Online retailers

There are numerous online retailers that offer a wide selection of pet calming beds. Shopping online provides convenience and allows for easy comparison of different brands and styles. Be sure to read product descriptions, customer reviews, and return policies when purchasing online.

Costs of pet calming beds

Price range

The cost of pet calming beds can vary depending on factors such as size, material, construction, and brand. On average, pet calming beds can range from $20 to $100 or more. Higher-end beds with premium materials or additional features may be on the higher end of the price range.

Factors affecting the cost

Factors that can affect the cost of pet calming beds include the quality of materials used, the complexity of construction, the brand reputation, and any additional features or accessories included. It’s important to consider your budget and your pet’s specific needs when choosing a bed within your desired price range.

In conclusion, pet calming beds can be a worthwile investment for pet owners looking to provide comfort and relaxation to their furry friends. These beds offer various benefits, including reduced anxiety and stress, improved sleep quality, and promotion of relaxation. When choosing a pet calming bed, factors to consider include size and shape, material and construction, ease of cleaning, and additional features. There are different types of fillings available, such as memory foam, orthopedic foam, polyester fiberfill, cedar shavings, and gel-infused foam. While scientific studies are limited, customer reviews and testimonials indicate positive experiences with pet calming beds. If a pet calming bed is not suitable for your pet, alternative calming products and creating a calm environment can also be beneficial. When introducing a pet calming bed, a gradual approach and positive reinforcement are key. Considerations for specific pets, such as dogs, cats, and small animals, should also be taken into account. Pet calming beds can be purchased from physical pet stores or online retailers, with costs varying based on factors like size, material, and additional features. Ultimately, pet calming beds can provide a cozy and secure haven for pets, enhancing their overall well-being and happiness.